Monday, March 9, 2009

Concept Characters

I've updated another review in the Rejects Crits gadget, and I created a gadget linking to other webcomics who've voted for Rejects. If you have a review (good or bad, we'll post it either way) or a webcomic and you've voted for us, please email me an I'll add you to the list. I urge everyone to take a look at all of the comics I've linked to, because they're comics I enjoy as well.

Today's post includes alot of the original concept sketches for our main characters: Chris, Eric and Derrick. This first sketch is my concept sketch that I sent over to Wally when we were first starting to work together, so he could see what I was thinking of for the characters. I was trying to channel more Bruce Timm than I can handle. While I'm a competant cartoonist, I'm clearly very limited so I was glad to have Wally sign on, he has alot more ability than I do.

As you can see I hadn't progressed so far as to take Chris and Eric out of Batman and Superman costumes and put them in the clearly congruous Black Talon and Ultra-man costumes. Derrick I took pretty much straight out of a drawing manual, I wanted to feel very much like a "random thug." Wally's first pass at concept art was pretty decent. His rough sketches usually are.

He added some color, and did a good job with the characterization. My only complaint really was that Eric was far too skinny. I love the addition of red hair on Chris, it was never on paper but if fit well. His hair is slightly more brown in the finished product, but there really are a lot of red headed kids in comics.

This is the last character concept page before we started getting to actual page layouts. You see Wally testing out some new costume designs based on the updated scripts. They would change quite a bit before the final costumes, but the three villains are pretty close to where they'd be at the final product.

In other news Wally and I are both on twitter now: and And also I plan to be down at Webcomic weekend on the Saturday on the 21st, begging votes, so if you see me say "hey'

Vote on Zuda!

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